06.04 Sobota / Saturday BETWEEN WORLDS - Vernisage Mezi Světy: Pokračováni 🖼️
Mezi svety je vystava predstavující kolekci obrazu od umëlkyne Art Nagin, do
kterých se prenásejí a promichávaji romanité kultury a tradice, z ruzných koutu
sveta. Nagina se narodila v severní Asii, kde strávila podstatnou cást svého zivota. Bohata kultura, pestré barvy a velkolepá architektura otevrely Nagine
cestu do umeleckého sveta. Nejvets inspiraci nabyla ze svých cest nejen po Asii,
ale i Rusku a Evrope, pri kterých poznávala historii, kulturu, ale i obycejné Zivoty obyvatel. Cestování se pro Naginu stalo Zivotním stylem zanechající obrovské
mnostvi dobrých i spatnych prozitki, kusenosti, pociti, ale i pohledi na svet,
které prenási na malírská plátna. Její obrazy jsou vyjádrením toho kým je a kde
Zila. Dulezitym prokem její tvorby je emoce a prozité pribehy, které dílúm pridávají
podstatnou hodnotu. Jedná se o obrazy, kam skrze abstrakce piné vásne, pocitu,
emoci a malby vnasi autorka kousek sebe samé. Do kazdého plátna vdechuje Zivot, proto se stává kazdy obraz nezaménitelnym a jedinenym. Je v nich ukryta
magie duse.
"Between worlds" is an exhibition presenting a collection of paintings by the artist Art Nagin, in which diverse cultures and traditions from different corners of the world are transferred and mixed. Nagina was born in North Asia, where she spent a significant part of her life. Rich culture, colorful colors and magnificent architecture opened Nagina's path to the world of art. She gained the greatest inspiration from her travels not only in Asia, but also in Russia and Europe, during which she got to know the history, culture, but also the ordinary lives of the inhabitants. Traveling has become a way of life for Nagina, leaving behind a huge amount of good and bad experiences, feelings, but also views of the world, which she transfers to painting canvases. Her paintings are an expression of who she is and where she lived. An important element of her work is emotion and lived stories, which add substantial value to the works. These are pictures where the author brings a piece of herself through abstractions full of passion, feelings, emotions and paintings. He breathes life into every canvas, that's why every picture becomes unmistakable and unique. The magic of the soul is hidden in them.
🎧 DJ’s:
Tokatko @tokatko
Shorty @petr.s.vrabec
AfroHouse / TechHouse / MelodicHouse
🎯 Event details:
📆 Date: 06.04
🕚 Start: Art 19:00 - AfterParty 23:00
🎟️ AfterParty Price: 150czk
📍Klubovna 2 patro, Dlouha 37
Art • Music • Culture • Events
Art 19:00 | AfterParty 23:00
Klubvona 2 patro, Dlouhá 37
Art & AfterParty